Video Demonstration of Main Features
Unified Imaging™ allows you to print directly from your Humphrey Visual Field or OCT to a tablet, and then compile and share the information from all the instruments in your practice in one secure place. Our wireless print capture devices are plug and play. You’ll be working in minutes.
Now you can use your old equipment with new technology, as our software is independent of the operating system you are using. You don’t even need a network to share the information with your EMR system.
After you have printed from your device (Visual Field Analyzer, OCT) it is sent without your intervention to our proprietary ImageAnywhere App. From there you can share the report with your EMR system or link it with your patient’s file.
How the Visual Field Analyzer ConnectLink works
The “Cloud Link” plugs in the parallel printer port of the FDT Visual Field Analyzer or OCT.
When you print from the equipment the “print-out” will be transmitted wirelessly (via bluetooth) through the CloudLink to a tablet (included in price).
The tablet already has our ImageAnywhere software installed (watch Video in this page).
The software will allow you to assign the report a patient, and optionally export it to your computer, either wirelessly or through a network cable.
The included tablet will receive the digital print-out from any existing printer port, independent of the equipment. You can connect a Connect Kit in every diagnostic equipment in your practice, this way the images of every equipment will be accessible on each tablet.
You can integrate all the different equipment print outs by acquiring an ImageAnywhere subscription. This will allow to access your information from everywhere you have an internet connection.
Here is a list of compatible equipment:
- Zeiss Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer “non-i”and i series
- Zeiss Stratus OCT
- Zeiss IOL Master
- Zeiss Cirrus OCT
- Nidek OPD Scan
- Haag Streit Octopus 123
Security and Storage
Once the printout are in the tablet, ImageAnywhere software will store locally and in the cloud your information in a secure way. Customers with the ImageAnywhere subscription will be able to access the test from any tablet and anywhere they have a browser.
If you are interested in this Humphrey Visual Field Kit, contact us today